Sunday, August 2, 2009

I was sitting at work and I get a text message from Brett asking me what my shoe size was, I was SO busy(yes State workers do work) getting ready for a meeting I replied what my shoe size was and it wasn't until I was on my way home it clicked in my head wondering what he was up to and why he wanted to know my shoe size. Well when we got home from our camping trip there was a box sitting on the back porch and of course It was so HOT that all I wanted to do was unpack. Well he opens the box and calls my name to come and look what had come. When I was walking out the door I asked him what he had ordered now and he said it was a surprise for ME! Now let me back up for a minute to his defense he sent me a link to what he got me a few days before we left but like the text message I hurried and looked at it and went to a meeting and put it out of my mind until that Sunday afternoon when he showed me my very own pair of KEEN! I have been way jealous of his for about 2 years and he was so kind a loving to get me a pair. He is always surprising me like this. I have really enjoyed them. It's nice to have some protection for my toes. Here is a picture that was taken of them last night.

1 comment:

  1. Please let Brett know that I'm a size 9. Thanks. They are cute. And great picture of them!
